Complex Type pc:RegionType

Attribute pc:RegionType / @idAttribute pc:RegionType / @customAttribute pc:RegionType / @commentsAttribute pc:RegionType / @continuationElement pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImageElement pc:RegionType / pc:CoordsElement pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:RegionType / pc:LabelsElement pc:RegionType / pc:RolesElement pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion
abstract: true
Used by
Model Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords , Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles , (Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion)
Children Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords, Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels, Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles, Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:RegionType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:RegionType / @continuation boolean optional
Is this region a continuation of another region
(in previous column or page, for example)?
Attribute pc:RegionType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:RegionType / @id ID required
<complexType name="RegionType" abstract="true">
    <element name="AlternativeImage" type="pc:AlternativeImageType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <documentation>Alternative region images (e.g. black-and-white).</documentation>
    <element name="Coords" type="pc:CoordsType"/>
    <element name="UserDefined" type="pc:UserDefinedType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
    <element name="Labels" type="pc:LabelsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <documentation>Semantic labels / tags</documentation>
    <element name="Roles" type="pc:RolesType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
        <documentation>Roles the region takes (e.g. in context of a parent region).</documentation>
    <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <element name="TextRegion" type="pc:TextRegionType"/>
      <element name="ImageRegion" type="pc:ImageRegionType"/>
      <element name="LineDrawingRegion" type="pc:LineDrawingRegionType"/>
      <element name="GraphicRegion" type="pc:GraphicRegionType"/>
      <element name="TableRegion" type="pc:TableRegionType"/>
      <element name="ChartRegion" type="pc:ChartRegionType"/>
      <element name="SeparatorRegion" type="pc:SeparatorRegionType"/>
      <element name="MathsRegion" type="pc:MathsRegionType"/>
      <element name="ChemRegion" type="pc:ChemRegionType"/>
      <element name="MusicRegion" type="pc:MusicRegionType"/>
      <element name="AdvertRegion" type="pc:AdvertRegionType"/>
      <element name="NoiseRegion" type="pc:NoiseRegionType"/>
      <element name="UnknownRegion" type="pc:UnknownRegionType"/>
      <element name="CustomRegion" type="pc:CustomRegionType"/>
  <attribute name="id" type="ID" use="required"/>
  <attribute name="custom" type="string">
      <documentation>For generic use</documentation>
  <attribute name="comments" type="string"/>
  <attribute name="continuation" type="boolean">
      <documentation>Is this region a continuation of another region (in previous column or page, for example)?</documentation>

Attribute pc:RegionType / @id

Namespace No namespace
Type ID
use: required
Used by
<attribute name="id" type="ID" use="required"/>

Attribute pc:RegionType / @custom

Namespace No namespace
For generic use
Type string
content: simple
Used by
<attribute name="custom" type="string">
    <documentation>For generic use</documentation>

Attribute pc:RegionType / @comments

Namespace No namespace
Type string
content: simple
Used by
<attribute name="comments" type="string"/>

Attribute pc:RegionType / @continuation

Namespace No namespace
Is this region a continuation of another region
(in previous column or page, for example)?
Type boolean
content: simple
Used by
<attribute name="continuation" type="boolean">
    <documentation>Is this region a continuation of another region (in previous column or page, for example)?</documentation>

Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage

Alternative region images
(e.g. black-and-white).
Attribute pc:AlternativeImageType / @filenameAttribute pc:AlternativeImageType / @commentsAttribute pc:AlternativeImageType / @confComplex Type pc:AlternativeImageType
Type Complex Type pc:AlternativeImageType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:AlternativeImageType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:AlternativeImageType / @conf Simple Type pc:ConfSimpleType optional
Confidence value (between 0 and 1)
Attribute pc:AlternativeImageType / @filename string required
<element name="AlternativeImage" type="pc:AlternativeImageType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <documentation>Alternative region images (e.g. black-and-white).</documentation>

Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords

Attribute pc:CoordsType / @pointsAttribute pc:CoordsType / @confComplex Type pc:CoordsType
Type Complex Type pc:CoordsType
content: complex
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:CoordsType / @conf Simple Type pc:ConfSimpleType optional
Confidence value (between 0 and 1)
Attribute pc:CoordsType / @points Simple Type pc:PointsType required
Polygon outline of the element as a path of points.
No points may lie outside the outline of its parent,
which in the case of Border is the bounding rectangle
of the root image. Paths are closed by convention,
i.e. the last point logically connects with the first
(and at least 3 points are required to span an area).
Paths must be planar (i.e. must not self-intersect).
<element name="Coords" type="pc:CoordsType"/>

Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined

Element pc:UserDefinedType / pc:UserAttributeComplex Type pc:UserDefinedType
Type Complex Type pc:UserDefinedType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
Model Element pc:UserDefinedType / pc:UserAttribute
Children Element pc:UserDefinedType / pc:UserAttribute
<pc:UserDefined xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:UserAttribute description="" name="" type="" value="">{1,unbounded}</pc:UserAttribute>
<element name="UserDefined" type="pc:UserDefinedType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">

Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels

Semantic labels / tags
Attribute pc:LabelsType / @externalModelAttribute pc:LabelsType / @externalIdAttribute pc:LabelsType / @prefixAttribute pc:LabelsType / @commentsElement pc:LabelsType / pc:LabelComplex Type pc:LabelsType
Type Complex Type pc:LabelsType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model Element pc:LabelsType / pc:Label
Children Element pc:LabelsType / pc:Label
<pc:Labels comments="" externalId="" externalModel="" prefix="" xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:Label comments="" type="" value="">{0,unbounded}</pc:Label>
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:LabelsType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:LabelsType / @externalId string optional
E.g. an RDF resource identifier
(to be used as subject or object of an RDF triple)
Attribute pc:LabelsType / @externalModel string optional
Reference to external model / ontology / schema
Attribute pc:LabelsType / @prefix string optional
Prefix for all labels (e.g. first part of an URI)
<element name="Labels" type="pc:LabelsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <documentation>Semantic labels / tags</documentation>

Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles

Roles the region takes
(e.g. in context of a parent region).
Element pc:RolesType / pc:TableCellRoleComplex Type pc:RolesType
Type Complex Type pc:RolesType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
Model Element pc:RolesType / pc:TableCellRole
Children Element pc:RolesType / pc:TableCellRole
<pc:Roles xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:TableCellRole colSpan="" columnIndex="" header="" rowIndex="" rowSpan="">{0,1}</pc:TableCellRole>
<element name="Roles" type="pc:RolesType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
    <documentation>Roles the region takes (e.g. in context of a parent region).</documentation>

Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion

Attribute pc:RegionType / @idAttribute pc:RegionType / @customAttribute pc:RegionType / @commentsAttribute pc:RegionType / @continuationElement pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImageElement pc:RegionType / pc:CoordsElement pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:RegionType / pc:LabelsElement pc:RegionType / pc:RolesElement pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegionComplex Type pc:RegionTypeElement pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextLineElement pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextEquivElement pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextStyleComplex Type pc:TextRegionType
Type Complex Type pc:TextRegionType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords , Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles , (Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion) , Element pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextLine , Element pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextEquiv , Element pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextStyle
Children Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords, Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels, Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles, Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion, Element pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextEquiv, Element pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextLine, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion, Element pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextStyle, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined
<pc:TextRegion align="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" indented="" leading="" orientation="" primaryLanguage="" primaryScript="" production="" readingDirection="" readingOrientation="" secondaryLanguage="" secondaryScript="" textLineOrder="" type="" xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:AlternativeImage comments="" conf="" filename="">{0,unbounded}</pc:AlternativeImage>
  <pc:Coords conf="" points="">{1,1}</pc:Coords>
  <pc:Labels comments="" externalId="" externalModel="" prefix="">{0,unbounded}</pc:Labels>
  <pc:TextRegion align="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" indented="" leading="" orientation="" primaryLanguage="" primaryScript="" production="" readingDirection="" readingOrientation="" secondaryLanguage="" secondaryScript="" textLineOrder="" type="">{1,1}</pc:TextRegion>
  <pc:ImageRegion bgColour="" colourDepth="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ImageRegion>
  <pc:LineDrawingRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="" penColour="">{1,1}</pc:LineDrawingRegion>
  <pc:GraphicRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:GraphicRegion>
  <pc:TableRegion bgColour="" columns="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" lineColour="" lineSeparators="" orientation="" rows="">{1,1}</pc:TableRegion>
  <pc:ChartRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:ChartRegion>
  <pc:SeparatorRegion colour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:SeparatorRegion>
  <pc:MathsRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MathsRegion>
  <pc:ChemRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ChemRegion>
  <pc:MusicRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MusicRegion>
  <pc:AdvertRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:AdvertRegion>
  <pc:NoiseRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:NoiseRegion>
  <pc:UnknownRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:UnknownRegion>
  <pc:CustomRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" type="">{1,1}</pc:CustomRegion>
  <pc:TextLine comments="" custom="" id="" index="" primaryLanguage="" primaryScript="" production="" readingDirection="" secondaryScript="">{0,unbounded}</pc:TextLine>
  <pc:TextEquiv comments="" conf="" dataType="" dataTypeDetails="" index="">{0,unbounded}</pc:TextEquiv>
  <pc:TextStyle bgColour="" bgColourRgb="" bold="" fontFamily="" fontSize="" italic="" kerning="" letterSpaced="" monospace="" reverseVideo="" serif="" smallCaps="" strikethrough="" subscript="" superscript="" textColour="" textColourRgb="" underlined="" underlineStyle="" xHeight="">{0,1}</pc:TextStyle>
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @align Simple Type pc:AlignSimpleType optional
Text align
Attribute pc:RegionType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:RegionType / @continuation boolean optional
Is this region a continuation of another region
(in previous column or page, for example)?
Attribute pc:RegionType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:RegionType / @id ID required
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @indented boolean optional
Defines whether a region of text is indented or not
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @leading int optional
The degree of space in points between the lines of
text (line spacing)
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @orientation float optional
The angle the rectangle encapsulating the region
has to be rotated in clockwise direction
in order to correct the present skew
(negative values indicate anti-clockwise rotation).
(The rotated image can be further referenced
via โ€œAlternativeImageโ€.)
Range: -179.999,180
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @primaryLanguage Simple Type pc:LanguageSimpleType optional
The primary language used in the region
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @primaryScript Simple Type pc:ScriptSimpleType optional
The primary script used in the region
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @production Simple Type pc:ProductionSimpleType optional
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @readingDirection Simple Type pc:ReadingDirectionSimpleType optional
The direction in which text within lines
should be read (order of words and characters),
in addition to โ€œtextLineOrderโ€.
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @readingOrientation float optional
The angle the baseline of text within the region
has to be rotated (relative to the rectangle
encapsulating the region) in clockwise direction
in order to correct the present skew,
in addition to โ€œorientationโ€
(negative values indicate anti-clockwise rotation).
Range: -179.999,180
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @secondaryLanguage Simple Type pc:LanguageSimpleType optional
The secondary language used in the region
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @secondaryScript Simple Type pc:ScriptSimpleType optional
The secondary script used in the region
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @textLineOrder Simple Type pc:TextLineOrderSimpleType optional
The order of text lines within the block,
in addition to โ€œreadingDirectionโ€.
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @type Simple Type pc:TextTypeSimpleType optional
The nature of the text in the region
<element name="TextRegion" type="pc:TextRegionType"/>

Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion

Attribute pc:RegionType / @idAttribute pc:RegionType / @customAttribute pc:RegionType / @commentsAttribute pc:RegionType / @continuationElement pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImageElement pc:RegionType / pc:CoordsElement pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:RegionType / pc:LabelsElement pc:RegionType / pc:RolesElement pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegionComplex Type pc:RegionTypeAttribute pc:ImageRegionType / @orientationAttribute pc:ImageRegionType / @colourDepthAttribute pc:ImageRegionType / @bgColourAttribute pc:ImageRegionType / @embTextComplex Type pc:ImageRegionType
Type Complex Type pc:ImageRegionType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords , Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles , (Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion)
Children Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords, Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels, Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles, Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined
<pc:ImageRegion bgColour="" colourDepth="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="" xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:AlternativeImage comments="" conf="" filename="">{0,unbounded}</pc:AlternativeImage>
  <pc:Coords conf="" points="">{1,1}</pc:Coords>
  <pc:Labels comments="" externalId="" externalModel="" prefix="">{0,unbounded}</pc:Labels>
  <pc:TextRegion align="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" indented="" leading="" orientation="" primaryLanguage="" primaryScript="" production="" readingDirection="" readingOrientation="" secondaryLanguage="" secondaryScript="" textLineOrder="" type="">{1,1}</pc:TextRegion>
  <pc:ImageRegion bgColour="" colourDepth="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ImageRegion>
  <pc:LineDrawingRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="" penColour="">{1,1}</pc:LineDrawingRegion>
  <pc:GraphicRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:GraphicRegion>
  <pc:TableRegion bgColour="" columns="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" lineColour="" lineSeparators="" orientation="" rows="">{1,1}</pc:TableRegion>
  <pc:ChartRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:ChartRegion>
  <pc:SeparatorRegion colour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:SeparatorRegion>
  <pc:MathsRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MathsRegion>
  <pc:ChemRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ChemRegion>
  <pc:MusicRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MusicRegion>
  <pc:AdvertRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:AdvertRegion>
  <pc:NoiseRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:NoiseRegion>
  <pc:UnknownRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:UnknownRegion>
  <pc:CustomRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" type="">{1,1}</pc:CustomRegion>
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:ImageRegionType / @bgColour Simple Type pc:ColourSimpleType optional
The background colour of the region
Attribute pc:ImageRegionType / @colourDepth Simple Type pc:ColourDepthSimpleType optional
The colour bit depth required for the region
Attribute pc:RegionType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:RegionType / @continuation boolean optional
Is this region a continuation of another region
(in previous column or page, for example)?
Attribute pc:RegionType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:ImageRegionType / @embText boolean optional
Specifies whether the region also contains
Attribute pc:RegionType / @id ID required
Attribute pc:ImageRegionType / @orientation float optional
The angle the rectangle encapsulating a region
has to be rotated in clockwise direction
in order to correct the present skew
(negative values indicate anti-clockwise rotation).
Range: -179.999,180
<element name="ImageRegion" type="pc:ImageRegionType"/>

Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion

Attribute pc:RegionType / @idAttribute pc:RegionType / @customAttribute pc:RegionType / @commentsAttribute pc:RegionType / @continuationElement pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImageElement pc:RegionType / pc:CoordsElement pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:RegionType / pc:LabelsElement pc:RegionType / pc:RolesElement pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegionComplex Type pc:RegionTypeComplex Type pc:LineDrawingRegionType
Type Complex Type pc:LineDrawingRegionType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords , Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles , (Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion)
Children Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords, Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels, Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles, Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined
<pc:LineDrawingRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="" penColour="" xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:AlternativeImage comments="" conf="" filename="">{0,unbounded}</pc:AlternativeImage>
  <pc:Coords conf="" points="">{1,1}</pc:Coords>
  <pc:Labels comments="" externalId="" externalModel="" prefix="">{0,unbounded}</pc:Labels>
  <pc:TextRegion align="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" indented="" leading="" orientation="" primaryLanguage="" primaryScript="" production="" readingDirection="" readingOrientation="" secondaryLanguage="" secondaryScript="" textLineOrder="" type="">{1,1}</pc:TextRegion>
  <pc:ImageRegion bgColour="" colourDepth="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ImageRegion>
  <pc:LineDrawingRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="" penColour="">{1,1}</pc:LineDrawingRegion>
  <pc:GraphicRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:GraphicRegion>
  <pc:TableRegion bgColour="" columns="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" lineColour="" lineSeparators="" orientation="" rows="">{1,1}</pc:TableRegion>
  <pc:ChartRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:ChartRegion>
  <pc:SeparatorRegion colour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:SeparatorRegion>
  <pc:MathsRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MathsRegion>
  <pc:ChemRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ChemRegion>
  <pc:MusicRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MusicRegion>
  <pc:AdvertRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:AdvertRegion>
  <pc:NoiseRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:NoiseRegion>
  <pc:UnknownRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:UnknownRegion>
  <pc:CustomRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" type="">{1,1}</pc:CustomRegion>
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:LineDrawingRegionType / @bgColour Simple Type pc:ColourSimpleType optional
The background colour of the region
Attribute pc:RegionType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:RegionType / @continuation boolean optional
Is this region a continuation of another region
(in previous column or page, for example)?
Attribute pc:RegionType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:LineDrawingRegionType / @embText boolean optional
Specifies whether the region also contains
Attribute pc:RegionType / @id ID required
Attribute pc:LineDrawingRegionType / @orientation float optional
The angle the rectangle encapsulating a region
has to be rotated in clockwise direction
in order to correct the present skew
(negative values indicate anti-clockwise rotation).
Range: -179.999,180
Attribute pc:LineDrawingRegionType / @penColour Simple Type pc:ColourSimpleType optional
The pen (foreground) colour of the region
<element name="LineDrawingRegion" type="pc:LineDrawingRegionType"/>

Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion

Attribute pc:RegionType / @idAttribute pc:RegionType / @customAttribute pc:RegionType / @commentsAttribute pc:RegionType / @continuationElement pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImageElement pc:RegionType / pc:CoordsElement pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:RegionType / pc:LabelsElement pc:RegionType / pc:RolesElement pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegionComplex Type pc:RegionTypeAttribute pc:GraphicRegionType / @orientationAttribute pc:GraphicRegionType / @typeAttribute pc:GraphicRegionType / @numColoursAttribute pc:GraphicRegionType / @embTextComplex Type pc:GraphicRegionType
Type Complex Type pc:GraphicRegionType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords , Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles , (Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion)
Children Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords, Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels, Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles, Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined
<pc:GraphicRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="" xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:AlternativeImage comments="" conf="" filename="">{0,unbounded}</pc:AlternativeImage>
  <pc:Coords conf="" points="">{1,1}</pc:Coords>
  <pc:Labels comments="" externalId="" externalModel="" prefix="">{0,unbounded}</pc:Labels>
  <pc:TextRegion align="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" indented="" leading="" orientation="" primaryLanguage="" primaryScript="" production="" readingDirection="" readingOrientation="" secondaryLanguage="" secondaryScript="" textLineOrder="" type="">{1,1}</pc:TextRegion>
  <pc:ImageRegion bgColour="" colourDepth="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ImageRegion>
  <pc:LineDrawingRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="" penColour="">{1,1}</pc:LineDrawingRegion>
  <pc:GraphicRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:GraphicRegion>
  <pc:TableRegion bgColour="" columns="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" lineColour="" lineSeparators="" orientation="" rows="">{1,1}</pc:TableRegion>
  <pc:ChartRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:ChartRegion>
  <pc:SeparatorRegion colour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:SeparatorRegion>
  <pc:MathsRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MathsRegion>
  <pc:ChemRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ChemRegion>
  <pc:MusicRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MusicRegion>
  <pc:AdvertRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:AdvertRegion>
  <pc:NoiseRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:NoiseRegion>
  <pc:UnknownRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:UnknownRegion>
  <pc:CustomRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" type="">{1,1}</pc:CustomRegion>
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:RegionType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:RegionType / @continuation boolean optional
Is this region a continuation of another region
(in previous column or page, for example)?
Attribute pc:RegionType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:GraphicRegionType / @embText boolean optional
Specifies whether the region also contains
Attribute pc:RegionType / @id ID required
Attribute pc:GraphicRegionType / @numColours int optional
An approximation of the number of colours
used in the region
Attribute pc:GraphicRegionType / @orientation float optional
The angle the rectangle encapsulating a region
has to be rotated in clockwise direction
in order to correct the present skew
(negative values indicate anti-clockwise rotation).
Range: -179.999,180
Attribute pc:GraphicRegionType / @type Simple Type pc:GraphicsTypeSimpleType optional
The type of graphic in the region
<element name="GraphicRegion" type="pc:GraphicRegionType"/>

Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion

Attribute pc:RegionType / @idAttribute pc:RegionType / @customAttribute pc:RegionType / @commentsAttribute pc:RegionType / @continuationElement pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImageElement pc:RegionType / pc:CoordsElement pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:RegionType / pc:LabelsElement pc:RegionType / pc:RolesElement pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegionComplex Type pc:RegionTypeElement pc:TableRegionType / pc:GridComplex Type pc:TableRegionType
Type Complex Type pc:TableRegionType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords , Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles , (Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion) , Element pc:TableRegionType / pc:Grid
Children Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords, Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion, Element pc:TableRegionType / pc:Grid, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels, Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles, Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined
<pc:TableRegion bgColour="" columns="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" lineColour="" lineSeparators="" orientation="" rows="" xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:AlternativeImage comments="" conf="" filename="">{0,unbounded}</pc:AlternativeImage>
  <pc:Coords conf="" points="">{1,1}</pc:Coords>
  <pc:Labels comments="" externalId="" externalModel="" prefix="">{0,unbounded}</pc:Labels>
  <pc:TextRegion align="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" indented="" leading="" orientation="" primaryLanguage="" primaryScript="" production="" readingDirection="" readingOrientation="" secondaryLanguage="" secondaryScript="" textLineOrder="" type="">{1,1}</pc:TextRegion>
  <pc:ImageRegion bgColour="" colourDepth="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ImageRegion>
  <pc:LineDrawingRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="" penColour="">{1,1}</pc:LineDrawingRegion>
  <pc:GraphicRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:GraphicRegion>
  <pc:TableRegion bgColour="" columns="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" lineColour="" lineSeparators="" orientation="" rows="">{1,1}</pc:TableRegion>
  <pc:ChartRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:ChartRegion>
  <pc:SeparatorRegion colour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:SeparatorRegion>
  <pc:MathsRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MathsRegion>
  <pc:ChemRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ChemRegion>
  <pc:MusicRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MusicRegion>
  <pc:AdvertRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:AdvertRegion>
  <pc:NoiseRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:NoiseRegion>
  <pc:UnknownRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:UnknownRegion>
  <pc:CustomRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" type="">{1,1}</pc:CustomRegion>
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:TableRegionType / @bgColour Simple Type pc:ColourSimpleType optional
The background colour of the region
Attribute pc:TableRegionType / @columns int optional
The number of columns present in the table
Attribute pc:RegionType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:RegionType / @continuation boolean optional
Is this region a continuation of another region
(in previous column or page, for example)?
Attribute pc:RegionType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:TableRegionType / @embText boolean optional
Specifies whether the region also contains
Attribute pc:RegionType / @id ID required
Attribute pc:TableRegionType / @lineColour Simple Type pc:ColourSimpleType optional
The colour of the lines used in the region
Attribute pc:TableRegionType / @lineSeparators boolean optional
Specifies the presence of line separators
Attribute pc:TableRegionType / @orientation float optional
The angle the rectangle encapsulating a	region
has to be rotated in clockwise direction
in order to correct the present	skew
(negative values indicate anti-clockwise rotation).
Range: -179.999,180
Attribute pc:TableRegionType / @rows int optional
The number of rows present in the table
<element name="TableRegion" type="pc:TableRegionType"/>

Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion

Attribute pc:RegionType / @idAttribute pc:RegionType / @customAttribute pc:RegionType / @commentsAttribute pc:RegionType / @continuationElement pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImageElement pc:RegionType / pc:CoordsElement pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:RegionType / pc:LabelsElement pc:RegionType / pc:RolesElement pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegionComplex Type pc:RegionTypeAttribute pc:ChartRegionType / @orientationAttribute pc:ChartRegionType / @typeAttribute pc:ChartRegionType / @numColoursAttribute pc:ChartRegionType / @bgColourAttribute pc:ChartRegionType / @embTextComplex Type pc:ChartRegionType
Type Complex Type pc:ChartRegionType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords , Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles , (Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion)
Children Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords, Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels, Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles, Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined
<pc:ChartRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="" xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:AlternativeImage comments="" conf="" filename="">{0,unbounded}</pc:AlternativeImage>
  <pc:Coords conf="" points="">{1,1}</pc:Coords>
  <pc:Labels comments="" externalId="" externalModel="" prefix="">{0,unbounded}</pc:Labels>
  <pc:TextRegion align="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" indented="" leading="" orientation="" primaryLanguage="" primaryScript="" production="" readingDirection="" readingOrientation="" secondaryLanguage="" secondaryScript="" textLineOrder="" type="">{1,1}</pc:TextRegion>
  <pc:ImageRegion bgColour="" colourDepth="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ImageRegion>
  <pc:LineDrawingRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="" penColour="">{1,1}</pc:LineDrawingRegion>
  <pc:GraphicRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:GraphicRegion>
  <pc:TableRegion bgColour="" columns="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" lineColour="" lineSeparators="" orientation="" rows="">{1,1}</pc:TableRegion>
  <pc:ChartRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:ChartRegion>
  <pc:SeparatorRegion colour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:SeparatorRegion>
  <pc:MathsRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MathsRegion>
  <pc:ChemRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ChemRegion>
  <pc:MusicRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MusicRegion>
  <pc:AdvertRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:AdvertRegion>
  <pc:NoiseRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:NoiseRegion>
  <pc:UnknownRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:UnknownRegion>
  <pc:CustomRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" type="">{1,1}</pc:CustomRegion>
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:ChartRegionType / @bgColour Simple Type pc:ColourSimpleType optional
The background colour of the region
Attribute pc:RegionType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:RegionType / @continuation boolean optional
Is this region a continuation of another region
(in previous column or page, for example)?
Attribute pc:RegionType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:ChartRegionType / @embText boolean optional
Specifies whether the region also contains
Attribute pc:RegionType / @id ID required
Attribute pc:ChartRegionType / @numColours int optional
An approximation of the number of colours
used in the region
Attribute pc:ChartRegionType / @orientation float optional
The angle the rectangle encapsulating a region
has to be rotated in clockwise direction
in order to correct the present skew
(negative values indicate anti-clockwise rotation).
Range: -179.999,180
Attribute pc:ChartRegionType / @type Simple Type pc:ChartTypeSimpleType optional
The type of chart in the region
<element name="ChartRegion" type="pc:ChartRegionType"/>

Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion

Attribute pc:RegionType / @idAttribute pc:RegionType / @customAttribute pc:RegionType / @commentsAttribute pc:RegionType / @continuationElement pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImageElement pc:RegionType / pc:CoordsElement pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:RegionType / pc:LabelsElement pc:RegionType / pc:RolesElement pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegionComplex Type pc:RegionTypeAttribute pc:SeparatorRegionType / @orientationAttribute pc:SeparatorRegionType / @colourComplex Type pc:SeparatorRegionType
Type Complex Type pc:SeparatorRegionType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords , Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles , (Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion)
Children Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords, Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels, Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles, Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined
<pc:SeparatorRegion colour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="" xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:AlternativeImage comments="" conf="" filename="">{0,unbounded}</pc:AlternativeImage>
  <pc:Coords conf="" points="">{1,1}</pc:Coords>
  <pc:Labels comments="" externalId="" externalModel="" prefix="">{0,unbounded}</pc:Labels>
  <pc:TextRegion align="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" indented="" leading="" orientation="" primaryLanguage="" primaryScript="" production="" readingDirection="" readingOrientation="" secondaryLanguage="" secondaryScript="" textLineOrder="" type="">{1,1}</pc:TextRegion>
  <pc:ImageRegion bgColour="" colourDepth="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ImageRegion>
  <pc:LineDrawingRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="" penColour="">{1,1}</pc:LineDrawingRegion>
  <pc:GraphicRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:GraphicRegion>
  <pc:TableRegion bgColour="" columns="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" lineColour="" lineSeparators="" orientation="" rows="">{1,1}</pc:TableRegion>
  <pc:ChartRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:ChartRegion>
  <pc:SeparatorRegion colour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:SeparatorRegion>
  <pc:MathsRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MathsRegion>
  <pc:ChemRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ChemRegion>
  <pc:MusicRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MusicRegion>
  <pc:AdvertRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:AdvertRegion>
  <pc:NoiseRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:NoiseRegion>
  <pc:UnknownRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:UnknownRegion>
  <pc:CustomRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" type="">{1,1}</pc:CustomRegion>
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:SeparatorRegionType / @colour Simple Type pc:ColourSimpleType optional
The colour of the separator
Attribute pc:RegionType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:RegionType / @continuation boolean optional
Is this region a continuation of another region
(in previous column or page, for example)?
Attribute pc:RegionType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:RegionType / @id ID required
Attribute pc:SeparatorRegionType / @orientation float optional
The angle the rectangle encapsulating a region
has to be rotated in clockwise direction
in order to correct the present skew
(negative values indicate anti-clockwise rotation).
Range: -179.999,180
<element name="SeparatorRegion" type="pc:SeparatorRegionType"/>

Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion

Attribute pc:RegionType / @idAttribute pc:RegionType / @customAttribute pc:RegionType / @commentsAttribute pc:RegionType / @continuationElement pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImageElement pc:RegionType / pc:CoordsElement pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:RegionType / pc:LabelsElement pc:RegionType / pc:RolesElement pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegionComplex Type pc:RegionTypeAttribute pc:MathsRegionType / @orientationAttribute pc:MathsRegionType / @bgColourComplex Type pc:MathsRegionType
Type Complex Type pc:MathsRegionType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords , Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles , (Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion)
Children Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords, Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels, Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles, Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined
<pc:MathsRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="" xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:AlternativeImage comments="" conf="" filename="">{0,unbounded}</pc:AlternativeImage>
  <pc:Coords conf="" points="">{1,1}</pc:Coords>
  <pc:Labels comments="" externalId="" externalModel="" prefix="">{0,unbounded}</pc:Labels>
  <pc:TextRegion align="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" indented="" leading="" orientation="" primaryLanguage="" primaryScript="" production="" readingDirection="" readingOrientation="" secondaryLanguage="" secondaryScript="" textLineOrder="" type="">{1,1}</pc:TextRegion>
  <pc:ImageRegion bgColour="" colourDepth="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ImageRegion>
  <pc:LineDrawingRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="" penColour="">{1,1}</pc:LineDrawingRegion>
  <pc:GraphicRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:GraphicRegion>
  <pc:TableRegion bgColour="" columns="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" lineColour="" lineSeparators="" orientation="" rows="">{1,1}</pc:TableRegion>
  <pc:ChartRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:ChartRegion>
  <pc:SeparatorRegion colour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:SeparatorRegion>
  <pc:MathsRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MathsRegion>
  <pc:ChemRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ChemRegion>
  <pc:MusicRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MusicRegion>
  <pc:AdvertRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:AdvertRegion>
  <pc:NoiseRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:NoiseRegion>
  <pc:UnknownRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:UnknownRegion>
  <pc:CustomRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" type="">{1,1}</pc:CustomRegion>
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:MathsRegionType / @bgColour Simple Type pc:ColourSimpleType optional
The background colour of the region
Attribute pc:RegionType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:RegionType / @continuation boolean optional
Is this region a continuation of another region
(in previous column or page, for example)?
Attribute pc:RegionType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:RegionType / @id ID required
Attribute pc:MathsRegionType / @orientation float optional
The angle the rectangle encapsulating a region
has to be rotated in clockwise direction
in order to correct the present skew
(negative values indicate anti-clockwise rotation).
Range: -179.999,180
<element name="MathsRegion" type="pc:MathsRegionType"/>

Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion

Attribute pc:RegionType / @idAttribute pc:RegionType / @customAttribute pc:RegionType / @commentsAttribute pc:RegionType / @continuationElement pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImageElement pc:RegionType / pc:CoordsElement pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:RegionType / pc:LabelsElement pc:RegionType / pc:RolesElement pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegionComplex Type pc:RegionTypeAttribute pc:ChemRegionType / @orientationAttribute pc:ChemRegionType / @bgColourComplex Type pc:ChemRegionType
Type Complex Type pc:ChemRegionType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords , Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles , (Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion)
Children Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords, Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels, Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles, Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined
<pc:ChemRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="" xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:AlternativeImage comments="" conf="" filename="">{0,unbounded}</pc:AlternativeImage>
  <pc:Coords conf="" points="">{1,1}</pc:Coords>
  <pc:Labels comments="" externalId="" externalModel="" prefix="">{0,unbounded}</pc:Labels>
  <pc:TextRegion align="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" indented="" leading="" orientation="" primaryLanguage="" primaryScript="" production="" readingDirection="" readingOrientation="" secondaryLanguage="" secondaryScript="" textLineOrder="" type="">{1,1}</pc:TextRegion>
  <pc:ImageRegion bgColour="" colourDepth="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ImageRegion>
  <pc:LineDrawingRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="" penColour="">{1,1}</pc:LineDrawingRegion>
  <pc:GraphicRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:GraphicRegion>
  <pc:TableRegion bgColour="" columns="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" lineColour="" lineSeparators="" orientation="" rows="">{1,1}</pc:TableRegion>
  <pc:ChartRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:ChartRegion>
  <pc:SeparatorRegion colour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:SeparatorRegion>
  <pc:MathsRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MathsRegion>
  <pc:ChemRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ChemRegion>
  <pc:MusicRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MusicRegion>
  <pc:AdvertRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:AdvertRegion>
  <pc:NoiseRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:NoiseRegion>
  <pc:UnknownRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:UnknownRegion>
  <pc:CustomRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" type="">{1,1}</pc:CustomRegion>
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:ChemRegionType / @bgColour Simple Type pc:ColourSimpleType optional
The background colour of the region
Attribute pc:RegionType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:RegionType / @continuation boolean optional
Is this region a continuation of another region
(in previous column or page, for example)?
Attribute pc:RegionType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:RegionType / @id ID required
Attribute pc:ChemRegionType / @orientation float optional
The angle the rectangle encapsulating a
region has to be rotated in clockwise
direction in order to correct the present
skew (negative values indicate
anti-clockwise rotation). Range:
<element name="ChemRegion" type="pc:ChemRegionType"/>

Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion

Attribute pc:RegionType / @idAttribute pc:RegionType / @customAttribute pc:RegionType / @commentsAttribute pc:RegionType / @continuationElement pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImageElement pc:RegionType / pc:CoordsElement pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:RegionType / pc:LabelsElement pc:RegionType / pc:RolesElement pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegionComplex Type pc:RegionTypeAttribute pc:MusicRegionType / @orientationAttribute pc:MusicRegionType / @bgColourComplex Type pc:MusicRegionType
Type Complex Type pc:MusicRegionType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords , Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles , (Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion)
Children Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords, Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels, Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles, Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined
<pc:MusicRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="" xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:AlternativeImage comments="" conf="" filename="">{0,unbounded}</pc:AlternativeImage>
  <pc:Coords conf="" points="">{1,1}</pc:Coords>
  <pc:Labels comments="" externalId="" externalModel="" prefix="">{0,unbounded}</pc:Labels>
  <pc:TextRegion align="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" indented="" leading="" orientation="" primaryLanguage="" primaryScript="" production="" readingDirection="" readingOrientation="" secondaryLanguage="" secondaryScript="" textLineOrder="" type="">{1,1}</pc:TextRegion>
  <pc:ImageRegion bgColour="" colourDepth="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ImageRegion>
  <pc:LineDrawingRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="" penColour="">{1,1}</pc:LineDrawingRegion>
  <pc:GraphicRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:GraphicRegion>
  <pc:TableRegion bgColour="" columns="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" lineColour="" lineSeparators="" orientation="" rows="">{1,1}</pc:TableRegion>
  <pc:ChartRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:ChartRegion>
  <pc:SeparatorRegion colour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:SeparatorRegion>
  <pc:MathsRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MathsRegion>
  <pc:ChemRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ChemRegion>
  <pc:MusicRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MusicRegion>
  <pc:AdvertRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:AdvertRegion>
  <pc:NoiseRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:NoiseRegion>
  <pc:UnknownRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:UnknownRegion>
  <pc:CustomRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" type="">{1,1}</pc:CustomRegion>
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:MusicRegionType / @bgColour Simple Type pc:ColourSimpleType optional
The background colour of the region
Attribute pc:RegionType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:RegionType / @continuation boolean optional
Is this region a continuation of another region
(in previous column or page, for example)?
Attribute pc:RegionType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:RegionType / @id ID required
Attribute pc:MusicRegionType / @orientation float optional
The angle the rectangle encapsulating a region
has to be rotated in clockwise direction
in order to correct the present skew
(negative values indicate anti-clockwise rotation).
Range: -179.999,180
<element name="MusicRegion" type="pc:MusicRegionType"/>

Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion

Attribute pc:RegionType / @idAttribute pc:RegionType / @customAttribute pc:RegionType / @commentsAttribute pc:RegionType / @continuationElement pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImageElement pc:RegionType / pc:CoordsElement pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:RegionType / pc:LabelsElement pc:RegionType / pc:RolesElement pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegionComplex Type pc:RegionTypeAttribute pc:AdvertRegionType / @orientationAttribute pc:AdvertRegionType / @bgColourComplex Type pc:AdvertRegionType
Type Complex Type pc:AdvertRegionType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords , Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles , (Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion)
Children Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords, Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels, Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles, Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined
<pc:AdvertRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="" xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:AlternativeImage comments="" conf="" filename="">{0,unbounded}</pc:AlternativeImage>
  <pc:Coords conf="" points="">{1,1}</pc:Coords>
  <pc:Labels comments="" externalId="" externalModel="" prefix="">{0,unbounded}</pc:Labels>
  <pc:TextRegion align="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" indented="" leading="" orientation="" primaryLanguage="" primaryScript="" production="" readingDirection="" readingOrientation="" secondaryLanguage="" secondaryScript="" textLineOrder="" type="">{1,1}</pc:TextRegion>
  <pc:ImageRegion bgColour="" colourDepth="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ImageRegion>
  <pc:LineDrawingRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="" penColour="">{1,1}</pc:LineDrawingRegion>
  <pc:GraphicRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:GraphicRegion>
  <pc:TableRegion bgColour="" columns="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" lineColour="" lineSeparators="" orientation="" rows="">{1,1}</pc:TableRegion>
  <pc:ChartRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:ChartRegion>
  <pc:SeparatorRegion colour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:SeparatorRegion>
  <pc:MathsRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MathsRegion>
  <pc:ChemRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ChemRegion>
  <pc:MusicRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MusicRegion>
  <pc:AdvertRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:AdvertRegion>
  <pc:NoiseRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:NoiseRegion>
  <pc:UnknownRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:UnknownRegion>
  <pc:CustomRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" type="">{1,1}</pc:CustomRegion>
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:AdvertRegionType / @bgColour Simple Type pc:ColourSimpleType optional
The background colour of the region
Attribute pc:RegionType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:RegionType / @continuation boolean optional
Is this region a continuation of another region
(in previous column or page, for example)?
Attribute pc:RegionType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:RegionType / @id ID required
Attribute pc:AdvertRegionType / @orientation float optional
The angle the rectangle encapsulating a region
has to be rotated in clockwise direction
in order to correct the present skew
(negative values indicate anti-clockwise rotation).
Range: -179.999,180
<element name="AdvertRegion" type="pc:AdvertRegionType"/>

Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion

Attribute pc:RegionType / @idAttribute pc:RegionType / @customAttribute pc:RegionType / @commentsAttribute pc:RegionType / @continuationElement pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImageElement pc:RegionType / pc:CoordsElement pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:RegionType / pc:LabelsElement pc:RegionType / pc:RolesElement pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegionComplex Type pc:RegionTypeComplex Type pc:NoiseRegionType
Type Complex Type pc:NoiseRegionType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords , Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles , (Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion)
Children Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords, Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels, Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles, Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined
<pc:NoiseRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:AlternativeImage comments="" conf="" filename="">{0,unbounded}</pc:AlternativeImage>
  <pc:Coords conf="" points="">{1,1}</pc:Coords>
  <pc:Labels comments="" externalId="" externalModel="" prefix="">{0,unbounded}</pc:Labels>
  <pc:TextRegion align="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" indented="" leading="" orientation="" primaryLanguage="" primaryScript="" production="" readingDirection="" readingOrientation="" secondaryLanguage="" secondaryScript="" textLineOrder="" type="">{1,1}</pc:TextRegion>
  <pc:ImageRegion bgColour="" colourDepth="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ImageRegion>
  <pc:LineDrawingRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="" penColour="">{1,1}</pc:LineDrawingRegion>
  <pc:GraphicRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:GraphicRegion>
  <pc:TableRegion bgColour="" columns="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" lineColour="" lineSeparators="" orientation="" rows="">{1,1}</pc:TableRegion>
  <pc:ChartRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:ChartRegion>
  <pc:SeparatorRegion colour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:SeparatorRegion>
  <pc:MathsRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MathsRegion>
  <pc:ChemRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ChemRegion>
  <pc:MusicRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MusicRegion>
  <pc:AdvertRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:AdvertRegion>
  <pc:NoiseRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:NoiseRegion>
  <pc:UnknownRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:UnknownRegion>
  <pc:CustomRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" type="">{1,1}</pc:CustomRegion>
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:RegionType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:RegionType / @continuation boolean optional
Is this region a continuation of another region
(in previous column or page, for example)?
Attribute pc:RegionType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:RegionType / @id ID required
<element name="NoiseRegion" type="pc:NoiseRegionType"/>

Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion

Attribute pc:RegionType / @idAttribute pc:RegionType / @customAttribute pc:RegionType / @commentsAttribute pc:RegionType / @continuationElement pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImageElement pc:RegionType / pc:CoordsElement pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:RegionType / pc:LabelsElement pc:RegionType / pc:RolesElement pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegionComplex Type pc:RegionTypeComplex Type pc:UnknownRegionType
Type Complex Type pc:UnknownRegionType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords , Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles , (Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion)
Children Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords, Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels, Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles, Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined
<pc:UnknownRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:AlternativeImage comments="" conf="" filename="">{0,unbounded}</pc:AlternativeImage>
  <pc:Coords conf="" points="">{1,1}</pc:Coords>
  <pc:Labels comments="" externalId="" externalModel="" prefix="">{0,unbounded}</pc:Labels>
  <pc:TextRegion align="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" indented="" leading="" orientation="" primaryLanguage="" primaryScript="" production="" readingDirection="" readingOrientation="" secondaryLanguage="" secondaryScript="" textLineOrder="" type="">{1,1}</pc:TextRegion>
  <pc:ImageRegion bgColour="" colourDepth="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ImageRegion>
  <pc:LineDrawingRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="" penColour="">{1,1}</pc:LineDrawingRegion>
  <pc:GraphicRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:GraphicRegion>
  <pc:TableRegion bgColour="" columns="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" lineColour="" lineSeparators="" orientation="" rows="">{1,1}</pc:TableRegion>
  <pc:ChartRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:ChartRegion>
  <pc:SeparatorRegion colour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:SeparatorRegion>
  <pc:MathsRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MathsRegion>
  <pc:ChemRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ChemRegion>
  <pc:MusicRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MusicRegion>
  <pc:AdvertRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:AdvertRegion>
  <pc:NoiseRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:NoiseRegion>
  <pc:UnknownRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:UnknownRegion>
  <pc:CustomRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" type="">{1,1}</pc:CustomRegion>
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:RegionType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:RegionType / @continuation boolean optional
Is this region a continuation of another region
(in previous column or page, for example)?
Attribute pc:RegionType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:RegionType / @id ID required
<element name="UnknownRegion" type="pc:UnknownRegionType"/>

Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion

Attribute pc:RegionType / @idAttribute pc:RegionType / @customAttribute pc:RegionType / @commentsAttribute pc:RegionType / @continuationElement pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImageElement pc:RegionType / pc:CoordsElement pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:RegionType / pc:LabelsElement pc:RegionType / pc:RolesElement pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegionComplex Type pc:RegionTypeAttribute pc:CustomRegionType / @typeComplex Type pc:CustomRegionType
Type Complex Type pc:CustomRegionType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords , Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles , (Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion)
Children Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords, Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels, Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles, Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined
<pc:CustomRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" type="" xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:AlternativeImage comments="" conf="" filename="">{0,unbounded}</pc:AlternativeImage>
  <pc:Coords conf="" points="">{1,1}</pc:Coords>
  <pc:Labels comments="" externalId="" externalModel="" prefix="">{0,unbounded}</pc:Labels>
  <pc:TextRegion align="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" indented="" leading="" orientation="" primaryLanguage="" primaryScript="" production="" readingDirection="" readingOrientation="" secondaryLanguage="" secondaryScript="" textLineOrder="" type="">{1,1}</pc:TextRegion>
  <pc:ImageRegion bgColour="" colourDepth="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ImageRegion>
  <pc:LineDrawingRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="" penColour="">{1,1}</pc:LineDrawingRegion>
  <pc:GraphicRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:GraphicRegion>
  <pc:TableRegion bgColour="" columns="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" lineColour="" lineSeparators="" orientation="" rows="">{1,1}</pc:TableRegion>
  <pc:ChartRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:ChartRegion>
  <pc:SeparatorRegion colour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:SeparatorRegion>
  <pc:MathsRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MathsRegion>
  <pc:ChemRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ChemRegion>
  <pc:MusicRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MusicRegion>
  <pc:AdvertRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:AdvertRegion>
  <pc:NoiseRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:NoiseRegion>
  <pc:UnknownRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:UnknownRegion>
  <pc:CustomRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" type="">{1,1}</pc:CustomRegion>
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:RegionType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:RegionType / @continuation boolean optional
Is this region a continuation of another region
(in previous column or page, for example)?
Attribute pc:RegionType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:RegionType / @id ID required
Attribute pc:CustomRegionType / @type string optional
Information on the type of content represented by this region
<element name="CustomRegion" type="pc:CustomRegionType"/>